What’s in a Real Estate Purchase Agreement?

Real Estate Contracts Real Estate Contracts 101: What’s in a Real Estate Purchase Agreement? Facebook Twitter Linkedin In residential real estate, the purchase agreement is the key document in the process of buying and selling property. It contains a number of important terms that govern the transaction and the title and closing process.  It is… Continue reading What’s in a Real Estate Purchase Agreement?

What’s in a contract: Parties and Property Information

Real Estate Contracts Real Estate Contracts 102: Parties and Property information Facebook Twitter Linkedin Real estate purchase agreements are the guidelines for the transaction that your title agent will follow as you prepare for closing. Like any contract, purchase agreements have terms and conditions that bind the buyer and seller in the real estate transaction.… Continue reading What’s in a contract: Parties and Property Information

Whats in a Contract: Price and Financing Terms

Real Estate Contracts Real Estate Contracts 103: Price and Financing Terms Facebook Twitter Linkedin The financial terms of the contract are important and should be clearly articulated. In particular, the real estate contract should include provisions on the purchase price, earnest money, financing terms (if any), taxes and assessments, HOA fees (if applicable), title insurance,… Continue reading Whats in a Contract: Price and Financing Terms

What is Escrow?

Money Matters What is Escrow? Facebook Twitter Linkedin In real estate transactions, you’ll hear the word escrow used often. All closing transactions will have an escrow officer or attorney managing the transaction throughout the title clearing process, organizing document preparation, preparing figures for the settlement statement (or closing disclosure), and overseeing the details for closing… Continue reading What is Escrow?

What is Earnest Money?

Money Matters What is Earnest Money? Facebook Twitter Linkedin In real estate transactions, there are several steps between making an offer, signing a real estate purchase agreement, and completing the transaction. During those steps, any number of problems can arise. Those problems may cause the buyer to want to, or even be forced to, back… Continue reading What is Earnest Money?

Property Taxes and Real Estate Transactions

Money Matters Property Taxes and Real Estate Tranasctions Facebook Twitter Linkedin The only certainties in life are death and taxes. Taxes are also a certainty in real estate transactions. There are tax implications of a real estate transaction on both the buyer and the seller. It is worth understanding how taxes work within a transaction,… Continue reading Property Taxes and Real Estate Transactions

What are the Closing Costs?

Closing What are the Closing Costs? Facebook Twitter Linkedin In addition to the purchase price of a property, there are other fees and expenses that are required to be paid in connection with the transaction. As many of these fees and costs are paid at closing, we refer to them collectively as closing costs.  Closing… Continue reading What are the Closing Costs?

What is the Blueprint Portal?

Blueprint What is the Blueprint Portal? Facebook Twitter Linkedin The Blueprint Portal is our partner-facing system helping to streamline the process of managing transactions for our partners in a single place. Understanding how the Portal works and what to expect can give you more confidence in what’s going on at each step of the process.… Continue reading What is the Blueprint Portal?

What is the Blueprint API?

Blueprint What is the Blueprint API? Facebook Twitter Linkedin Another powerful piece of Blueprint’s technology is our API. Many of Blueprint’s partners are tech-forward firms looking for an easy integration into their systems, providing added speed and efficiency to their operations. In order to accommodate these needs, Blueprint built a robust API so that technology… Continue reading What is the Blueprint API?

What is Recording?

Post-Closing What is Recording? Facebook Twitter Linkedin Recording is the process of delivering a document to a relevant government entity. Depending on the state or county, this process may be required to convey or obtain a lien on real property. Although some states consider the execution of a deed to be evidence of conveyance on… Continue reading What is Recording?